There was a demonstration in front of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg organized by the chief of the HVIM French branch, a group of Hungarian Parliamentarians and French supporters of György Budaházy and the Hungarian Guard. The group handed in a petition to the European Court of Human Rights asking the judicial body to examine the case of Budaházy and the Hungarian Guard banned by the Gyurcsány regime.

At the demonstration, Tamás Gaudi-Nagy and Krisztina Morvai talked about human rights violations in Hungary including the plight of political prisoners and the case of the Hungarian Guard banned by the Gyurcsány regime on false charges. Meanwhile French supporters of the Hungarian cause distributed flyers written in several languages, informing onlookers about the human rights situation in Hungary.

In the petition to the Court of Human Rights, Tamás Gaudi-Nagy and Krisztina Morvai are asking the justice system to examine the politically motivated decision by the Hungarian court against the Hungarian Guard. Petitioners are also demanding one hundred thousand Euros compensation. According to Tamás Gaudi-Nagy, the appeal process to be completed might take two to three years.

(Hungarian Ambiance)