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Almost like clockwork, if only three days too late, the Nothing British organization (a body funded by the United Kingdom Conservative party to try and destroy the British National Party) has made up a wonderfully fanciful piece of fiction, which it maintains is its version of events of the latest meeting of the Jobbik Friends of Hungary (UK).

In addition to such trifling matters as getting the name of the group wrong, it has amassed “evidence” to support its suggestions, namely, a secretly taped recording of the meeting, which it says it is in the process of translating into English.

Jobbik hereby gives notice that it finds the prospect of such a translation an utter delight, given that a British audience really should hear Jobbik’s economic policy, our proposed anti-corruption legislation, and our planned agricultural measures; we totally concur that these should finally be the subject of some form of wider discussion and international attention!

Moreover translation is a costly business and we welcome their generous contribution to the cause. To say nothing of the fact that their final damning conclusion is that, “nothing illegal happened,” and their only substantial problem is with “content” they plainly admit not understanding a word of. However there is a more important point to be made here:

Jobbik politicians are used to the slanderous rubbish that is spoken about them daily, and as made clear previously (here) the fantastical nonsense that is printed about the Movement for a Better Hungary, has done much to draw people to the party. So self-evidently massive has the gap been between truth and what is printed, that people become compelled to find out more.

But, when Nothing British chooses to write straightforward libels about patriotic Hungarians simply interested in their home country’s welfare, the time has come we think for the witch-hunting accuser to answer a few simple questions. And we would ask readers to carefully note how, despite the total simplicity of the questions, they will not have the nerve to answer even one of them.

1. What evidence can they provide to substantiate the libel that Jobbik supporters were wearing, “neo-Nazi insignia and Swastikas sewn onto their clothing”?

We would ask them to note before answering, that there were over 60 people in the venue witness to events, only 45 of which were, by their reckoning, supporters. That is 15 separate independent witnesses. Hungarians are sadly far too used to having the most abject lies told about them. This is because we are deemed, by the likes of Nothing British, to be “insignificant”.

Yet we would ask our UK readership to consider, that if Nothing British can lie so monstrously and unthinkingly about something as unimportant to them as Jobbik: what gigantic whoppers are they likely to be telling about matters they consider of significance?

2. Why does Nothing British continue to remain silent over its tacit support for the Slovak National Party and its head Ján Slota?

Readers will know that Mr Slota is Central Europe’s most viciously bloodthirsty bigot: regularly making remarks over the necessity of murdering the Magyar minority in today’s Slovakia. And also that his party is in the Europe of Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament, with the party UKIP: which according to the 2009 Euro-elections is Britain’s third most popular party.

Nothing British’s strategy is transparent. They attempt to tarnish the BNP by suggesting their fellow Alliance member Jobbik, is something other than an entirely honourable Christian Nationalist party. This is nothing new. But if this tactic were a valid one, why are they (and the press we might add) so mute regarding Britain’s 3rd party declaring a common purpose with the most blatantly chauvinist hate-mongers in Europe? Doesn’t this fact very convincingly give the lie to Nothing British’s suggestion that it is a morally driven association and not a politically motivated one?

3. In choosing to, yet again, repeat the fabrication of claiming that the Jobbik Friends of Hungary (UK) acted on Sunday as “a revenue-raising outfit for Jobbik’s banned militia, the Hungarian Guard.” After first asking them to look up the inaccurate word “militia” in their dictionary, we would again request the provision of some proof for this untruth.

Nothing British was in the vanguard of the failed attempts to sabotage this event from taking place. This clumsy plan primarily took the form of several hundred threatening phone calls against the life and property of the owner, and his family. It would no doubt be too much to ask Mr Bethell (Nothing British’s director), to condemn these tactics, or to answer how they chime with his professed, “gentle values of tolerance and sticking up for the little guy;” because we already know him for the hypocrite he is.

But does he really think this tactic - simply calling the venue up on the telephone - really beyond the abilities of those who do not share his views? Anyone doing so would quickly learn that admiration for the enviable stoicism of the owner lead to a collection for his favourite charity, namely £230 for Great Ormond Street hospital, and nothing more. We would urge others to study the British law of libel which states that libels repeated are nevertheless still libels.

Also, given that the owner’s unfortunate son spent his final days there, the readily verifiable facts of this gesture are unlikely to have slipped his mind.

And we might also add in passing, that were it not for the fact that the man in question is Irish, by his determined resolve not to be intimidated by the likes of Nothing British, he exhibited precisely those qualities that Mr Bethell's organization should be promoting rather than embarrassing.


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